The "Real" WCSC Initiation
Several long-time WCSC members feel that a person is not a true, bonified club member until they spend a day working on the precious Breakwater :+). In all the years of maintenance, there has never been an accident. Underwater divers have never reported seeing snakes or anything else which is dangerous.
Hundreds of turtles enjoy "sunning" on the tops of the tires, especially near shore on the north side. However, not one turtle has ever been seen around the tires when work is in progress, neither on the surface nor under the water. The Breakwater is also a favorite resting place for the Great Blue Heron.
Breakwater volunteers are usually those who enjoy swimming on the surface and who don't mind working in the hot sun while being cooled by the water. Brown algae adheres to the tires but it will not stain and will not damage the skin. Volunteers should always wear old clothes or an old bathing suit because sometimes the black from the tires rubs off onto skin and clothing, but can be washed away. Gloves which can get wet are good. Surgical gloves will work. After several Breakwater workdays one could find themselves working from the work barge with Project Leader, Ronnie Ashmore.
Most members who become Flag Officers have, at some time, worked on the Breakwater doing what it takes to keep it afloat. Breakwater Project members have given thought to the idea of awarding a special ID medal to Breakwater volunteers for showing their concern for the precious barrier.
Ronnie Ashmore is the Breakwater Guru at WCSC. His ingenuity and leadership have played a big role in keeping the Breakwater afloat and protecting the harbor all these years. Ronnie will be happy to talk anytime about our precious Breakwater. He is always open for suggestions. Ronnie and his sense of humor makes a workday on the Breakwater... lots of fun!